Wednesday, August 02, 2006

hey there peeps!!!!!!

hey there everyone
i am great as usual but alot has happened. I need u to pray for alot of things. My friend Bruce had a huge accident and he has memory loss and mile concussion. I am so worried bout him i foned him and he seems fine but it was just amazing that he pulled through this. He prayed so hard i figured. It was a miracle, (its amazing what god can do) he actually made a miracle happen. The whole car made a flip and they landed with the roof on the floor which is so deadly. He had his seat belt and everything he was as safe as ever. But before he knew it he was hanging in his seat belt. Please pray for recovery and healing for bruce almighty. He is so special to me and i need prayer for me cuz my bf just broke up wit me and i need strength at school to face him cuz i cant face him at school honestly.
kylie xxxxx
miss and love ya all