Friday, October 28, 2005

I wont be blogging for a while :(

Hi everyone
I wont be blogging or unwilling for a long time cuz I will be movin and the internet is goin tomorrow. Anyway I am gonna miss u all soooooooo much and Caroline I love u SO much u r a really good sister to me and I will never forget ya. janine u r just the best big sister ever in my Christian family u have always been a warm person and everyone else is just gr8 I feel sooo blessed to have a family thts soooooooooooooooo big and bold and stand out. John u r just a big cuddly bear I will miss ur high fives and Steve I wont forget ur hugs and high fives too. Becky u r gr8 u give me hugs but u break my bones lolls. Pete u r a warm hearted person I will always love u and I will never forget our friendship ever. Mark u r the funniest person I have ever met oh my gosh its goin to be mad without u i don't know wat I wud do without u. I hope u all just keep safe at all times and be good lolz.
love u all very much.
bye xxxxxxxxxx
kylie xxx
god bless u all
i will be back soon i promise.

Monday, October 10, 2005

the sleepover was wicked kool

hiya everyone
that sleepover was like oh my gosh realli kool. that sharing time in the vestry was amazing i felt sooooo blessed and i hope everyone will keep in touch with me and i will send emails, letters and everything i hope u will always remember me as smiley kylie and onli smiley kylie cuz thts who i will always be and wenever i send u stuff like photos and things like tht i will always be smiling cuz i know tht god will be with me all the way and i know i have everyone of u at the church in my heart, u r all a part of me, u r family to me. i am goin to miss everyone sooooo much.i will come and visit you wenever i get the chance and i am sure i will still be smiling lolz.
bye everyone
kylie xxxxxxxxxxxxx
god bless u all
ps: j9 u r a wicked big sister lolz